In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon, as well as terms from all sorts of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others. It brings together all the information previously included in the European institutions’ former terminology databases, such as EURODICAUTOM (Commission), EUTERPE (Parliament), and TIS (Council). IATE has 8.4 million […]


Vertalingen in context van "IATE" in Frans-Nederlands van Reverso Context: Assurer l'alimentation, la gestion et la maintenance de la base de données terminologiques interinstitutionnelle (IATE).

Domain: 3226 communications [ EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ]. Anchor language: en. Cross-references: Cross-reference:. IATE ID: 797196.

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The aim of the IATE-CvT project is to contribute to specific domains of the EU’s multilingual term base IATE on the basis of in-depth research into restricted sets of concepts. The research is done by Master students in the context of their MA dissertation and is supervised by CvT staff as well as by EU terminologists (DGT and Council). IATED is an organism dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Technology and Science. Muitos exemplos de traduções com "iate" – Dicionário inglês-português e busca em milhões de traduções.

Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and Véanse "violencia de género" IATE:915859 y "maltrato de menores" 

Ŝi estas alirebla senpage [1] . In our effort to promote the use of IATE, the European Union’s terminology database containing more than 8 million terms in all official EU languages and covering a broad variety of domains, we provide you some tools which will enable you and the users of your websites to access and consult IATE more easily. Hoy en día, IATE, con más de 8,5 millones de términos, es el mayor recurso terminológico del mundo al que pueden acceder todos los ciudadanos de la UE (iate.

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IATE multilingual database - EU-specific terminology; Main acronyms and initialisms; Translation and drafting resources; EU Vocabularies; Glossary

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IATE ID: 3572249 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the  Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on parental leave (broader) [ IATE:1265824 ] rodičovská dovolená [ IATE:1265824 ]. The terminology database of the European Union. IATE ID: 3504619 Article 14.1, Council Directive 2003/109/EC concerning the status of third-country  In the context of education, "mainstreaming" [ IATE:856605 ] can mean the practice of Revision af EU-retningslinjerne for fremme og beskyttelse af børns  The terminology database of the European Union. IATE ID: 1073862.

(12) The In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon, as well as terms from all sorts of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others. It brings together all the information previously included in the European institutions’ former terminology databases, such as EURODICAUTOM (Commission), EUTERPE (Parliament), and TIS (Council).
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The database is managed by the IATE Management Group with representatives from the following institutions: – The European Parliament.

The research is done by Master students in the context of their MA dissertation and is supervised by CvT staff as well as by EU terminologists (DGT and Council). IATED is an organism dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Technology and Science. Muitos exemplos de traduções com "iate" – Dicionário inglês-português e busca em milhões de traduções.
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IATE ID: 885672. Domain: 1021 EU finance 1 písm. b) nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU, Euratom) č. 966/2012 ze dne 25. října 2012, kterým se 

It consists of a search engine for expressions and phrases used in all areas of European Union activity. It requires rather professional knowledge of the target language in order to be used properly. • is mostly visited by people located in Italy,Spain,Germany. How much can earn? Utilizzata già dal 2005 dai servizi di traduzione delle. [] istit uzioni europee, IATE contribuisce in maniera. [] essenziale ad assicurare la qualità. [] della comunicazione scritta delle istituzioni e degli organismi dell'UE.

Consider ing that that Regulation star ted applying on 1 Januar y 2020, it is appropr iate to simplify and clar ify the provisions set out in Commission Implementing Regulations (EU) No 1014/2010 (2) and (EU) No 293/2012 (3) and to br ing those provisions into one single Implementing Regulation. In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon, as well as terms from all sorts of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others. It brings together all the information previously included in the European institutions’ former terminology databases, such as EURODICAUTOM (Commission), EUTERPE (Parliament), and TIS (Council). IATE has 8.4 million […] IATE. IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) is a multilingual term database used for translations within the European institutions.

Vienas iš įsimintiniausių šio tarpinstitucinio bendradarbiavimo laimėjimų – 1999 m. Vertimo centro pradėtas vykdyti IATE (Sąveikioji terminologija Europai) projektas. Šiuo metu IATE yra didžiausia terminologijos duomenų bazė Europoje, kurioje sukaupta daugiau nei 8 mln.